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“I love myself” is an aroma blend that can help you feel valuable and cherished when you’re feeling down and unworthy. It can increase your self-confidence and encourage you to take steps towards self-care, such as meditation, healthy eating, exercise, and activities like pedicure and anything that shows you are loving yourself. Remember, it’s the little things that matter. You may not be able to do everything at once, but by using this blend daily, you’ll start to see positive changes in your life.


This blend helps:

  • to prioritize your personal needs, especially those related to better health and personal growth.
  • It encourages you to schedule personal care daily.
  • To create a desire to get healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • It helps you be honest with yourself and identify your specific needs.
  • to strengthen your spirits to take charge of your life and help you step into your power.
  • to claim your brilliant beauty and see yourself as extremely valuable.
  • It also dispels the internal negative self-talk that often brings us down.
  • To help you to communicate clearly about your needs and inspires you to stand strong in yourself and never let anyone make you feel worthless.


Important Note: If you have any allergies or you are pregnant please inform Nadia about that.

Essential oils Blend "I Love Myself blend"

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